Saturday, May 4, 2013

Love or Respect? Both.

When I was growing up when it comes to love and relationship, there was one line which stayed with me and it used to come back to me often and keep assuring me.  It was like how you hear your dad say something, some random day about a political group or a fruit (??!!) and it sticks with you and influence your choices as you become an adult? You always remember his voice in your head whenever you come across that particular political party or that Fruit?   Can relate? Please do because I just played my trump card of  an example ( fruit!)  to explain.  Ha Ha.  Just Kidding :)  

However, on a serious note, this line, I am about to mention always resonated in my mind when I thought how my relationship, my partner should be.  I firmly believe it helped me and did good.  
It goes like... " Dont choose a partner based on how much money he has or how wealthy his family is... Never choose him based on his looks or how educated he is...But choose your partner based on whether you can enjoy a cup of coffee with him 'talking'. Because once you lived your life and get old together, all you need is a partner who enjoys your company and to sit beside you to talk about the day. " 

Ah!  Its certainly not one line but you know what I mean.  

Love and Respect though considered as siblings in a family,  it is not necessarily have to be package in a relationship.  Respecting your partner for who he is,  after living a life with him is totally different from loving him no matter what.
In the beginning, at a face value, we start a relationship on a Respect mode.  But to retain it till death do us apart,  you got to bloody earn it.
You find your partner,  things are great, then it becomes fine, you grow up,  you both grow up,  have differences, work on it, come out of it, fall into it, make mistakes, pay for it,  Kick his butt, get yours kissed, Vice versa, vice versa... But after say 10  years when you sit back with a glass of wine or milk or whatever :) if you want to assess your life with him? How do you freaking do it?  Its for sure not based on the diamond earrings  he gifted last month for your anniversary or on the porche he is currently driving.
But it will be precisely based on how you feel that particular day in the relationship. After that 10 years and 2 kids, what matters is whether you look forward to his company or not.  Quite simple.
For me its about whether I still enjoy sitting in my living room to share a glimpse of my day with him.  When I accidentally got my foot cut by a bread knife when holding a watermelon at my door step ( Yes its watermelon, Bread knife and @ my door!  True story and its for an another post altogether) and screaming with pain and tears all over, did i notice he crying along with me while dialing 911? Yes, that seals the deal for me.  Its definitely almost 10 years since I met him for the first time and I realize that I respect him more now after knowing him for so many years, which based on my scale is really a big deal for me! I adore him to bits and for his simple and loving self.  For being so real.  For choosing to be my best friend.  For wanting me, inspite of me! :)

When I read this Oli... I want to say it again. Thank you. 

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